Definition 5.1.3 (Volume of a $k$-parallelogram in $\R^n$). Let $T = [v_1, \dots, v_k]$ be a $n\times k$ real matrix. Then the k-dimensional volume of $P(v_1, \dots, v_k)$ is $\sqrt{\det (T^TT)}$.
Definition 5.2.1 ($k$-dimensional volume 0 of a subset of $\R^n$).
$$ \lim_{N\to \infty}\sum_{C \in \mathcal{D}_N(\R^n), C\cap X\neq \emptyset} \Big(\frac{1}{2^N}\Big)^k = 0. $$
Proposition 5.2.2 ($k$-dimensional volume 0 of a manifold). If integers $m,k,n$ satisfy $0\leq m < k \leq n$ and $M\subset \R^n$ is a manifold of dimension $m$, any closed subset $X\subset M$ has $k$-dimensional volume 0.
Definition 5.2.3 (Relaxed parametrization of a manifold). Let $M\subset \R^n$ be a $k$-dimensional manifold and let $U\subset \R^k$ be a subet with boudnary of $k$-dimensional volume 0. Let $X \subset U$ be such that $U-X$ is open. Then a continuous mapping $\gamma: U\to \R^n$ parametrizes $M$ if
Theorem 5.2.6 (Existence of parametrizations). All manifolds can be parameterized.
The caveat here is that a manifold does not need to be globally parametrized. It only needs to be locally parametrized.
Using the change of variables formula for Lebesgue integrals, we can set up a change of variables for mappings. Suppose we have a $k$-dimensional manifold $M$ and two parametrizations $\gamma_1: \bar U_1 \to M$ and $\gamma_2 : \bar U_2 \to M$ where $U_1$ and $U_2$ are subsets of $\R^k$. Our candidate for the change of variables mapping is $\Phi = \gamma_2^{-1} \circ \gamma_1$, $\bar U_1 \to M \to \bar U_2$.